Wednesday, July 16, 2008

80s Videos

They're usually really low-budget (or at least would be to do now) and they're fun and usually really creative.

Duran Duran- Planet Earth

There is only one location for performance, but it is shot from many different angles and distances and therefore sustains interest. The frontman is very charismatic and the aesthetics of the band mean that the performance is visually engaging.

It is cut with some very surreal footage, in an almost-montagey format and includes shots of the band themself.

It is appropriate to the genre and time period as it is very ecclectic and surreal. It also fits with the 'planet earth' theme as it implies a sense of alien-ness.

I really like this video, and it would be so fun to do a song or style like it. Its very montagey and edited well to go with the music. I like the way the visuals totally reflect the tone of the song.

I would really have liked to do a video like this.

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