Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Music Video Analysis: George Michael

An analysis of the video for 'outside' by George Michael. It was the first video he released since he was outed following being arrested for comitting a 'lewd act' in a public toilet in the presence of an undercover cop.

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da5uoggW9Eg&feature=PlayList&p=4F0172206D848CF8&index=1

It begins with a satirical clip of the beginning of what appears to be a German pornographic film. Its credits features such innuendous names such as 'Huu Jars' (i.e. 'huge arse') 'Heidi Kochenblauer' (i.e. 'koch' blower) 'Marchelo Uffenvanken'. This is clearly a rip off of the cheap and tacky films of this nature. The poor dubbing in the background also adds to this, with overtly sexual noises and also the almost sleazy, easy-listening jazz music.

There is an element of scopophilia as the male in the film visibly eyes up the female. She is also playing up to the camera i.e. us alot; i.e. when she fiddles with lips with her finger, directly addressing the camera. As she unties her top, the camera is tight on this, showing us effectively where and what he is looking at= scopophilia.

At this point it is significant that this is set in a toilet, and that the male had previously been innocently washing hands, only to be heavily seduced by the female; she even physically beckons him with her finger. This blantantly intentionally mirrors/relates to the situation that George Michael was in that lead to his arrest previous to this video. The fact that then a close up of her mouth as she blows a kiss at the camera loses focus only to regain focus as the mouth of a much less attractive, older policewoman who is holding her police badge at the camera and we hear sirens in the background. We have been put into George's position and been 'honey-trapped' and seduced and unfairly arrested. This directly addresses the event that George could either have taken to be very embarassing or made work for him. He is clearly resentful towards the situation and thinks himself treated unfairly.

The camera then switches to a more pizelated, blue-tones image of the policewoman, which cut out to a feedback-tinged blank screen as if a television has just lost signal. This plays on the theme of surveillance that runs through the video, particulaely CCTV-style surveillance. Also, before it cuts out there is a slight 'cinema-screen' liney disturbance to the picture (I am unsure of the technical name for it) which links with the 'Hollywood' theme as they are obviously notorious for film.

The word 'HOLLYWOOD' flashes up on screen, with the American flag 'running underneath' making up the actual text. The American anthem kicks in for a short time. This does not seem at all like a genuinely patriotic salute to the country. The Hollywood thing is clearly significant to the underlying theme of the video, that which is related to George Michaels own recent experience, which indeed occured in a toilet in Hollywood (which I have been to =) ).

Now we cut to a helicopter taking flight, which we assume is a police 'vehicle' as we can hear sirens in the background, and it is low-angle which further connotes that the vehicle is of authority. The fact that we see this before we see what has even happened, and the fact that the sound of the sirens and helicopter-chopping-noise appear to be cutting in over the music don't make us immediately sympathise with them. Especially as we think that the male seen previously was wronged by the police force.

Lots of slightly choppy angles from different cameras and make up of different movements (also alot of shots that appear to be shot from a helicopter), as well as shots of people watching and multiple cars being parked outside the toilet where the criminal activity is being carried out, as well as the numerous policemen physically moving the apparently non-resistant arrestee add to the sense of alot of hullaballoo being made out of something that does not seem to have so much police attention warranted, or indeed does not necessarily seem justifiably illegal.

Also, as the man is bundled into the police vehicle, the visuals juxtapose the lyrics 'go outside' as he in fact going inside, which could emphasise his now entrappment.

The 'heli-camera' then zooms out (slightly) of the scene of this man being arrested

The next two scenes are of a cliff-top and boat-top. They are introduced through cross cutting from one location to the other. At first the sweeping shots do not really reveal anything about what is happening in the location. They appear innocent shots sweeping over the sea and coast, or a boat. This is enigmatic, as we wonder at the significance of these shots, or perhaps are even second-guessing what will happen now. Both these establishing shots cut to a black and white, surveillance-style aesthetic which, coupled with the helicopter-style sweeping camera movement, and previous narrative in the video, gives the impression of police surveillance.

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